![]() Welcome .. a big welcome to Susan who has a new book out this week! It sounds like a fabulous read and has been added to my TBR pile! Blind Achievement is available here. About Susan... I grew up in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the 50's and 60's. My parents are originally from the Newcastle-Under-Lyme area of England and came to Australia in 1952 as £10 poms. They came under a migration scheme to help Australia with workers. My father was a Painter and Decorator and I was the eldest of five children. I met my husband, Robert, in 1973 and we married in March 1974; we were both 18 years old. We have two wonderful sons, gorgeous daughters-in-law and five incredible grandchildren. We have been extremely blessed. I was a Nurse, a career that spanned more than 35 years. During my career I specialised in caring for people with Alzheimer’s type Dementia, an area that fascinates me despite how heartbreaking it can be. My dear father-in-law is unfortunately afflicted with this disease and now resides in a Nursing Home. In the not too distant future I am hoping to pen a novel incorporating some of the stories I have heard from these amazing people. Part of my career was with the blind and I also cared for severely disabled children for a while too. When I retired four years ago I decided it was time to get the stories out of my head and onto paper. From there I just hoped my stories were interesting and well written enough to attract readers. It is difficult being a new author now that anyone can publish a book. I can understand readers’ reticence to read Indie authors but hopefully they will give people like me a chance. I find as an avid reader, you can be pleasantly surprised most of the time. I can’t imagine sticking to just one or two authors and just because an author has a publisher doesn't make them good. I have certainly read some terrible books which have been published by some of the largest companies. I do hope readers enjoy my books and would love them to leave reviews. Book: Blind Achievement. Sequel to Blind Acceptance which received a 4 1/2 star review and a Crowned Heart Award from InD'tale Magazine, October 2013 Website/Blog: Blurb: Phillip Johnson has been blind since the age of six after sustaining a head injury in a wagon accident. Growing up on a ranch outside of Austin hasn't been easy for the young man but he has thrived with the loving help of his Step-Mother, Rachel, and the faithful support of his father, Luke. At eighteen years old, he has made the decision to head to Macarthur to attend the Wyoming College for the Blind. He plans to study Civil Government Law and Political Economics. It is here that he meets Belinda and he falls deeply in love with her. Belinda hides a dark and dangerous secret. A ruthless man is obsessed with owning her. This threat has the power to ruin their relationship and put their lives in jeopardy. Can they overcome such obstacles and find happiness together? Excerpt: ..........It had been a long day and he tapped his way back to his room. He was startled from his thoughts by an ear piercing scream. Coming to an abrupt stop he listened. Sounds of a scuffle and banging came from what he knew was a classroom ahead. He approached and threw open the door without hesitation. “What the hell? Get out!” a gruff voice bellowed. “Please help me.” A girl’s agonized plea tore at his heart. “What’s going on?” Phillip demanded to know. “None of your damned business, half-wit. Get out.” Phillip could not place the voice. “Let me go,” she screamed again. “Let the young lady go.” Phillip said angrily. “Come here to me Miss.” He could hear her struggling to get free. “I have asked you to let her go. I will not ask again.” Phillip loaded his voice with menace. The man guffawed. “Do you really think a blindy like you can stop me?” Phillip used the man’s voice to help him move closer. The girl took advantage of her captor being distracted and bit down hard on his arm. He yelped with pain, and she wrenched free of his grip and launched herself into Phillip’s arms. The air rushed from his lungs as she collided with his chest. He wrapped his arm protectively around her trembling body as she sobbed into his shirt. Phillip lifted his cane as a warning for the man not to approach. “I am taking her to speak with Mr Carver. I expect he will also want to speak with you.” The girl in his arms continued to tremble and sob. “Come with me. We’ll ensure this never happens again,” he told the girl gently. Sue Susan Horsnell Western Romance Writer Twitter: @susanhorsnell
![]() Locationality - It's more than just a plane flight Like the word? I made it up. After all, isn't that what authors do? Make stuff up. Well, yes and no. You see, sometimes it's not quite that simple. Sometimes we are writing about locations we've never even visited. What a totally scary thought that was for me, when I started A Bar In Paris. It felt ... odd. Kind of covert, checking out various sites where people had posted their images of the city... especially hotel rooms and bars! But I had a story itching to be written. Oh and the fact that it was set in the most romantic city in the world. What's not to love about it? But it's a double edged sword. I needed to research the locations, carefully. That is where the term locationality takes on its meaning. For instance, when I wrote my first series (Warriors of the Elector), I had a lot of latitude. It was set so far into the future, that it didn't really matter what was already here... I only focussed on 3 Australian areas but they were so significantly different that I could do pretty much whatever I wanted. Another series I'm writing (featuring a Celtic Cupid) is set in Melbourne, so I had to be careful . But what the heck! I'm an Aussie and I've been to Melbourne enough times to be able to write about it comfortably. I know the city well enough to paint the pictures. But when I wrote A Bar In Paris... I'd lived in England and Australia, yet never actually set foot in Paris. I'd landed at the airport en-route for London, and that was it. So how could I tell this story effectively? That is where the wonders of modern technology stepped in and saved my proverbial bacon! Google Maps became my new best friend, together with other travel websites. I trawled for days looking for the right Penthouse suite exactly in the location that suited me! The next step was to make my way, using the photos on google maps and retrace every step so I could arrive in the locations that suited my story best. Then one of my writing friends went into a bar in Paris (yes she actually was in Paris... so jealous DG!) and took a photo of the bar! For me. It was a squee moment. The world of writing has got so much smaller thanks to the wonders of modern technology. We can write about locations we've never visited thanks to photo sharing sites, travel blogs and even you tube. We can visualise the subtle play of light over the aged stone. We can hear the sounds of the city and imagine ourselves there, collecting the information. Sure, it's not quite the same as physically being there, but that is where our imaginations then take over. Thanks for having me over today. It's been fun! Imogene Bio Imogene is the author of many books, including A Bar In Paris, Hesparia's Tears, among a host of other titles. Wife, mother and nutty bookstore owner all describe Imogene Nix, but the real secret is Science Fiction, Paranormal Romance with a hefty dose of Romantic Suspense is what she adores. She is dedicated to high quality romance, with a dollop of erotic interactions, and has dipped her toes into Science Fiction, Contemporary Romance and Paranormal Romance featuring feisty headstrong female leads and the odd Romantic Suspense. She lives in Rural Queensland where she happily raises 2 daughters, lots of chickens a couple of cats and her super pup Teddy. When she isn’t writing or reading, she’s hanging out with her husband, acting like a techno-geek or cooking and making wine. Links—where to find Imogene Nix: Facebook Twitter Goodreads Google+ Blog Hotter Than Hades Website Blurb Ever considered a naughty weekend? A “Hook-Up” with no strings? What does a woman do when she’s turning thirty? She takes a sexy weekend trip to Paris looking for commitment-free sex. Or, that’s what Davina Chalmers does, anyway. Enter Johnathon a tall charming Englishman. How can she possibly resist his charm and that dimple? But what starts out as a lark quickly becomes so much more. But how does one weekend become a lifetime? And how does a lie of omission bring everything into jeopardy? Excerpt The waiter smiled and I sighed. “Time to go.” As I started to rise, gripping my bag in my hand, the bell above the door rang and I watched with interest as the sexiest man I’d ever seen entered. The cool blonde on his arm was scowling and he pried his fingers from her arm then walked away. For a moment, she wobbled on her stilettos before she sneered in her super chic French way only they can pull off and stalked out the door. It slammed so hard the panes of glass shuddered. The man scowled, but to be honest, it didn’t hurt at all. He was tall and well built. Blond hair with gray eyes. My mind screamed that this man that could probably satisfy my needs. He didn’t appear even slightly inebriated and he was obviously single now, if that little carry-on was to go by. Perhaps this was my chance? I smoothed down my black dress, making sure my cleavage was just peeking out, then I sucked in a deep, deep breath and stood, hoping to catch his eyes. I watched the man stalk to the bar and order in perfect English-accented French. “Une bière, s’il vous plait.” My toes curled at his voice and the waiter hurried to do his bidding. Mr. Sexy’s voice was cultured and deep. I like voices, particularly men’s voices. They can make me go gooey at the knees, and this one warmed my insides to the consistency of thick, warm honey. And I knew he was the one I wanted to be with all night long. The server handed over a bottle of beer and a glass, but Mr. Sexy looked at the bottle, grimaced, and then took a long pull. The other men at the bar started talking in low voices, putting aside newspapers. They paid their money and left. I didn’t want to think it was because of the dangerous aura surrounding the man. It was, after all, three in the morning. No, there had to be something else. But I was sure it wasn’t the time to ask these questions. The small bar was quiet now as I was waiting alone with the mystery man. The waiter disappeared to the back. Obviously, with only two patrons left, he could do other things. I sucked in my confidence, folded it around me like a coat, and approached the man. “Hi. Mind if I join you?” He grinned and gestured to the seat beside him. I slipped onto the small stool, perched uncertainly. Then I wiggled my bum a little, thrust out my chest, and gave him my very best come-on smile. “Looking for a hook up, are you?” His voice caused a curl of heat to gather deep inside me. I nodded slowly. Better to be honest from the start, I thought. I didn’t have time to say a word. The next thing I knew, he had me thrust against the bar, his lips on mine and his tongue halfway down my throat. But man, what a tongue it was. He played me like a violin until he lifted his head, casting a wicked smile in my direction. “Your hotel or mine?” “Umm, yours.” Right now, I felt the rosy glow of arousal roaring through me. Sexy and quick to catch on. Yep, I was sure this guy was a winner. “You’re not from around here, are you?” I shook my head. “No.” Buy Links [] ![]() Ok, so I have a confession to make… A confession that many hot-blooded Aussie women will back me up on… I’m kinda in love with lifeguards. No particular lifeguard, just lifeguards in general. All of them. Every single last one! Sure, some of it has to do with living on the gorgeous east coast of Australia and seeing their scantily-clad firm, tanned and fit physiques patrolling the beaches at every turn. Probably some of it has to do with the ease and surety of their demeanour. Oh, and did I mention biceps, abs, thighs and butts? Oh yes, I did that already… So, all of these factors make up a pretty well-rounded alpha male wrapped in quite a handsome package. BUT, the one thing that puts lifeguards even further ahead in the appeals stakes is their bravery, their tenacity and calm under pressure, their soaking wet bodies emerging from the waves… but I digress… again… At the end of the day, who doesn’t love a hunky lifeguard in tiny Speedos saving the day?! That’s exactly what the hero of my latest release, Bondi lifeguard Jack Covey does… and boy does he have his hands full! EXCERPT: Rescued: A Festive Novella J’aimee Brooker “Jack! Finn! Someone, help. Please, someone help!” came Sophie’s shrill scream. In a second, all the noises of the beach, the kids playing, parents shouting, drunks laughing—it all faded to silence, as his eyes strategically scanned the water where he’d last seen Anya and Sophie swimming, his body instinctively moving, already headed toward the water. He could see Sophie, standing on the shore, frantically scanning the water. Anya, where is Anya? he asked himself repeatedly, his feet carrying him faster than he thought possible, he looked to his left and saw Finn running with him, keeping up pace by pace. Behind him were two other surf lifeguards trying desperately to keep up. “Soph, where is she?” Jack shouted, stripping his shirt off and throwing it behind him as he made his way into the surf. “She’s was hit by a surfboard, she hasn’t come back up yet. Please, I’m coming to help” Sophie yelled, making her way into the water alongside him and Finn. “Finn, get her out of here. Calm her down, we don’t need to be pulling them both out” Jack shouted, hearing Finn’s stern voice commanding Sophie to stay on the shore before feeling his presence as they both dove under an incoming wave. Coming up, he saw a distressed surfer shouting to him, “over here, over here” he called urgently, “my board flew out and hit her in the head, I’ve been under a few times, and I can’t see her” Jack swam to him, duck diving beneath the surface, his eyes searching the water, stinging from the salty water but instinctively staying focused and open, adrenaline taking over. He made eye contact with Finn as they both came up for breath, the concern etched onto his friend’s face both deflating Jack’s hopes and spurring him on to keep going. Jack watched Finn dive back under and immediately began to follow him as he saw Anya’s body bob up above the surface a few metres away. Then he heard it: her desperate gasp for breath, her pained and scared moan for help before she dropped back below the surface, at least she’s breathing he thought to himself as her threw himself toward her, every muscle overstretching and overworking in his desperate attempt to get to her. Amazon iTunes Complete list of buy links Find J'aimee online: Website Creative Conversations Blog Google+ Independent Author Network Amazon Apple Kobo Barnes & Noble J'aimee Bio: A creative and commercial writer by trade; J’aimee also authors novellas and short stories focused within the contemporary romance genre and incorporating themes of travel, intrigue, and suspense. J’aimee has written for industry trade publications and lifestyle magazines, and is a regular columnist for several lifestyle magazines and lifestyle/travel websites as well as having a full-time job in radio and three kids under 9yrs. |
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