‘Oh, are you still here, Seb?’ She would play the cranky card. She’d seen his eye roll when she’d disconnected and then had decided that ignoring him was the best strategy. Sweetness didn’t work in their family; they’d all learned that very early. And Seb could be a spoiled brat. ‘You know full well I’m here, Lucy. Don’t be a smart arse.’ ‘So not Luce anymore? I’m Lucy now?’ She clicked the mouse and turned back to face him. All six foot-six of her cousin, dressed in black as usual. ‘Okay, so what’s your problem this time, Sebastian Richards? You’re always trying to boss me around and it’s way past time that you accept we’re equal employees here at the agency.’ ‘It’s nothing to do with work, as you well know.’ He gestured to the phone. ‘I heard you talking to her. I told you not to answer it.’ Lucy leaned back and folded her arms, her voice rising. ‘And since when do I listen to you?’ ‘Not when you should, that’s for bloody sure.’ Seb ran his hand through his long hair, and Lucy softened. He really was upset.